Homeopathic Constitution - Online Survey

Silicea Homeopathic Constitutional Type

About The Silicea Homeopathic Constitutional Type

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Often thin or slim, with a large forehead. The head can appear too large for the body. Delicate, fine features; almost doll-like in appearance. The skin of the lips goes grey and can be cracked. The palms of the hands feel sweaty to the tough and nails can be brittle. Appears to have low confidence from a young age. Prone to mental exhaustion.

  • APPEARANCE: Often thin or slim, with a large forehead. The head can appear too large for the body. Delicate, fine features; almost doll-like in appearance. The skin of the lips goes grey and can be cracked. The palms of the hands feel sweaty to the tough and nails can be brittle.
  • MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL ASPECTS: Appears to have low confidence from a young age. Prone to mental exhaustion. Can become overburdened and overwhelmed. Responsibility weighs heavily on the Silicea type. Can be indecisive about taking on new projects, moves and new jobs. Fear of failure may surface in form of being a workaholic. Fear of failure can also spread into personal relationships. May stubbornly resist advice from friends and loved ones in order to hide true feelings.
  • PHYSICAL WEAKNESSES: Problems with nervous system, especially due to burnout from new projects. Exhaustion. Slowness in healing and getting well. Respiratory illnesses and weaknesses including chest infections and low resistance to coughs and colds. Constipation. Skin problems. Headaches. Feels the cold.
  • DIETARY FACTORS: Likes cold foods such as salads and raw vegetables. Dislikes meat and dairy products, especially cheese and milk. Dislikes very hot food.
  • THE SILICEA CHILD: Can be smaller than children of a similar age, with petite appearance, apart from large head. Feels the cold. Not sporty as has little stamina. Can be shy. Usually tidy and well behaved.
  • GENERALITIES: The Silicea type may have brittle nails and slow-healing skin.

Homeopathic Constitution – Online Survey
