Homeopathic Constitution - Online Survey

Homeopathic Constitution – Find Yours Easily Online!

Homeopathic Constitution

Find Your Homeopathic Constitution Quickly and Easily!

About The Homeopathic Constitution Online Survey

 Click Here To Buy The Homeopathic Constitution Online Survey

  • The cost is $29.95 (USD) per online survey which is completed in about 15 – 20 minutes. The fee is for one (1) time use by one (1) person.
  • You will be able to immediately view your scored report online.
  • You will also immediately receive an email copy of the report.
  • Check your SPAM filter if you do not receive if immediately.
  • Contact us if you do not receive a copy.
  • This on-line survey contain 168 easy to answer questions.
  • Survey questions include your information, personality, temperament, food preferences and fears.
  • All answers in the Survey are scored based on your response to each of the homeopathic questions by these simple scored replies of: Very Strongly, Strongly, Slightly, Does Not Apply.
  • There are 15 primary constitutional remedies most commonly used in homeopathic medicine that professional Homeopaths will consider when prescribing homeopathic remedies for both acute and chronic health care conditions.
  • The physical, mental, emotional symptoms that are present along with a person’s heath history, as well as their homeopathic constitution, impacts the type of homeopathic remedy prescription that will be most helpful to that person.

The 15 primary homeopathic constitutional types that considered and scored in this Homeopathic Constitution Survey are the following:

Arsenicum Argentum Nitricum Calcarea Carbonica
Graphites Ignatia Lachesis
Lycopodium Mercurius Solubilis Natrum Muriaticum
Nux Vomica Phosphorus Pulsatilla
Sepia Silicea Sulphur

Homeopathy is a 250 year old medical system that is designed around the important concept of constitutional types

  • In homeopathic medicine and prescribing, a professionally  trained  Homeopath will rely on observing a person’s general biochemical type along with perceiving their personality type, their food likes and dislikes, their general temperament and responses to the environment, including weather. 
  • These distinct traits will help a professional Homeopath to determine what a person’s innate constitution is.
  • They will then prescribe a homeopathic remedy accordingly, in order to bring them to a higher level of health and wellness.

A person’s constitutional nature is something that they are born with.  It  does not essentially change over time, although layers of disease or illness can be added, but this is the original state of a person.  For example, a fair haired, light skinned and tall person will remain this constitutional type  throughout their lives, whether or not other illnesses or diseases are added to their life story and medical timeline.  This is why it is often referred to as an “innate” constitutional type by professional Homeopaths .  


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