What Is Homeopathy?
“The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way.”
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Founder of Homeopathy
What Is Homeopathy? Homeopathy Is A Complete Medical System
- Homeopathy is a complete, holistic medical system that has been used over 200 years to treat and cure a wide variety of acute, infectious and chronic illnesses.
- Homeopathy is considered a healing art as well as a science, and takes a tremendous amount of study and dedication to excel and master in.
- Homeopathy works with the whole person and is a holistic medicine that assists the body to rid itself of the disturbances that have caused illness.
- A qualified Classical Homeopath works with one remedy at a time, choosing the one that best matches the key presenting signs and symptoms in the person as an individual.
- There is no “one size fits all” remedy used for everyone even if they have the same condition to be treated.
Homeopathy Is Individualized
A Homeopath meets you either in person or via internet video conferencing to learn all about you.
- They will ask many types questions to get a clear picture of the most important things about you including your medical history, your emotional symptoms, mental symptoms, physical symptoms and any unique characteristics.
- They will also want to know your food likes, dislikes, what stressors are in your life and what significant past or current trauma have impacted you both physically and emotionally.
Homeopathic Remedies Are Highly Diluted Natural Substances
Homeopathy works with minute, dilute and shaken substances that have been made into remedies.
- Once a remedy is potentized and made into a tincture, only the frequency of that substance remains.
- This tincture is then dropped on tiny pills to make each of the remedies or nosodes, in various potencies.
- Once a remedy has been greatly diluted, if it were tested, not a single molecule of the original substance would be detected above a certain dilution (the 23rd).
- We know. however, that the energy or frequency of substance used is still there. It has been diluted to remove any of the toxic effects of that substance, while maintaining the healing effects.
Homeopathic Remedy Potencies
The most common C scale potencies used in homeopathy are: 6C, 12C, 30C, 200C, 1M (1000C), 10M (10,000C) and 50M (50,000C). The higher the potency, the stronger the resonance of that frequency for a remedy is and the stronger the remedy will act on the body.
- The LM scale potencies are also used and begin with LM1 and proceed up the scale to LM2, LM3, LM4, etc. These are typically dosed daily and in water.
- The C potencies can be used both n dry dosing and also with water dosing.
Classical Homeopathy Means One Remedy Is Prescribed
Classical Homeopaths use only one remedy at a time for treatment.
- After your Homeopath analyzes all your symptoms, she will prescribe the one remedy that best matches your total symptom picture.
- A Homeopath will prescribe one single homeopathic remedy in classical homeopathy
Homeopathy Works With a Focus On The Key Symptoms
Homeopathy is based on “like cures like.”
- A remedy chosen for use in homeopathy on any individual would be the same one that would cause these same symptoms of disease in a healthy person.
- If the remedy that matches the symptoms that exist in the person, then these symptoms are cured with homeopathy.
Homeopathic Remedies Are Proven On Healthy Humans
For over 200 years, people have taken homeopathic remedies in “provings” so that important and detailed data could be collected and compiled on what action the remedy produced in healthy individuals.
- These recorded symptoms in provings are done in a very controlled and consistent way.
- The symptoms collected have been historically been recorded in a comprehensive index called a materia medica and then indexed in various repertories.
Homeopathy Supports The Body To Heal Itself
Homeopathy looks at symptoms as a way that the body tries to heal itself.
- Homeopathy believes that a Vital Force or “life force” animates all living things and if it is distuned, disease or illness is the result.
- Anytime that symptoms are suppressed with antibiotics, anti-fungal creams, steroid creams, ointments, etc., the body is not assisted with natural healing.
- We call this suppression of symptoms. When the symptoms are suppressed, the imbalance is driven even deeper and more permanently into the person, and at deeper organ levels.
- Allopathic (western) medicine always works in this suppressive way by using surgery, antibiotics, drugs, removals of warts, polyps, growths, tumors, etc.
- Homeopathy does not suppress symptoms – it heals the body! It helps lift suppression and assists the healing process – both in mind, body and spirit, naturally.