Natrum Muriaticum Homeopathic Constitutional Type

About The Natrum Muriaticum Homeopathic Constitutional Type

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Will suppress emotions such as, fear, anger, guilt and loneliness, which can lead to depression. May suppress feelings over lost loved ones. May become very depressed after relationship break-up. Will possibly wish to cry but find self unable.

  • APPEARANCE: Pear-shaped build in women. Solid, strong and lean build in men. Skin can be puffy and oily with frequent swelling. Watery, red eyes. Dry cracked lips. Medium to dark hair.
  • MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL ASPECTS: Will suppress emotions such as fear, anger, guilt and loneliness, which can lead to depression. May suppress feelings over lost loved ones.  May become very depressed after relationship break-up. Will possibly wish to cry but find self unable. Suffer in silence rather than ask for help. Down to Earth with mind set on career.
  • PHYSICAL WEAKNESSES: Nervous system. Depression, premenstrual syndrome, anorexia; skin problems; mouth ulcers and cold sores; heart palpitations and headaches.
  • DIETARY FACTORS: Likes cold drinks, sour and savory foods; craves salt and most carbohydrates. Dislikes coffee and aggravated by bread.
  • THE NAT. MUR. CHILD: Small for their age. Slow development. Well behaved. Loves animals. Very good academically but can become extremely hurt if criticized at school. May suffer from headaches under pressure.
  • GENERALITIES: The Nat. mur. type may be professional and career minded. Like to read, are academic and tend to be high achievers.
Homeopathic Constitution - Online Survey

Homeopathic Constitution – Online Survey
